Unfortunately, once an order has been generated, our system does not have the option to edit or change the delivery address that was used when the order was initially placed.
Our Customer Success representatives can only cancel your order as long as the order has not been fulfilled. Once the order has been canceled, you can place a new order with the correct shipping address.
Our warehouse strives to fulfill your orders as efficiently as possible so we suggest you contact us as soon as you can for a cancelation.
Please reach out to Customer Success Team by using one of the methods below.
1. Chat With Us using the Help Bubble on our website
Chat hours Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST!
2. Use our Contact US form
3. Write an email to: store@amymyersmd.com.
4. Call us By Phone (512) 721-0424.
Mon - Fri from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm CST
With our international orders, the same is true, we can only cancel an order and are unable to edit or change the shipping address on the order as placed.
Please see our international Articles on the page linked below for further support: