To start a Subscription you'll need to select "Subscribe & Save" instead of "Add to Cart" or "Purchase one Time" when selecting the item you wish to Subscribe to.
Once you Subscribe and Save, the item will be added to the cart and ship out on the next soonest availability, based on our order processing times.
You can read more about our lead times in the article below.
Please remember that first-time subscription items must be placed online by the customer. Customer Success agents cannot place subscription orders over the phone for first-time/new subscription items, but they can make adjustments to items already set to subscription if needed.
You can learn more about Subscriptions on our Help Center Page below!
Amy Myers MD® Help Center Subscriptions
If you need additional support, reach out to our Customer Success Team using any of the methods below!
. Chat With Us using the Help Bubble on our website
Chat hours Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST!
2. Use our Contact US form
3. Write an email to:
4. Call us By Phone (512) 721-0424.
Mon - Fri from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm CST