We are so glad to hear that you have found the Amy MyersMD® online store and we have many resources available to help you get started!
You can learn more about Amy MyersMD® and the story of our store from our Help Center and here is a great welcome page for you!
Where can I learn more about Amy Myers MD®?
You can navigate to our Help Center as shown in the screenshot below, the Help Center is available from the bottom of any page on our website and is a great resource for communally asked questions!
Our Lifestyle section also has great resources for you including Free Resources, such as quizzes and free eBooks!
From the Lifestyle section, you can also navigate to our recipes, Books by Amy Myers MD®, our community page, and a page to sign up for our Newsletter if you are not yet signed up!
Our Recipe Section has a lot of great ideas where you can search for recipes by category or type of food and even change how many servings you want to prepare!
If you would like to reach out to our Customer Success team with any questions or need any support, simply use one of the method below as our team will be glad to be of service!
1. Chat With Us using the Help Bubble on our website
Chat hours Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST!
2. Use our Contact US form
3. Write an email to: store@amymyersmd.com.
4. Call us By Phone (512) 721-0424.
Mon - Fri from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm CST